Getaway or Hideaway

Getaway or Hideaway

When you are thinking about holiday, what you want, what you need, and the reality are not always on the same page.

Here’s how most of us usually think:

What I want :
Most of the time, scenery comes to mind (beach, mountain, city, wilderness, a country, a city, etc.)

What I need :
Pops out in to my brain every time I had a stressing moment (deadline, problem at home, a fight). So usually I would say:     “I need to go somewhere nice, and quiet.” Or “I’m craving for some excitement!”

Most recent planning is the New Year celebration. A couple of friends of mine were ready to leave their hectic life and wanted an escape for a week. They only mentioned that they wanted to have a fantastic dinner on the beach, count down party, snorkeling, spa, shopping, a great resort/hotel, and different place, different activities, and different ideas of how to spend the New Year vacation. That’s when they realized: To Getaway or to Hideaway.

Like us, vacation also has personalities: The Getaway, and the Hideaway. How do you spot one?

Meet the Getaway

The Getaway is commonly found within youngsters or people who want to have an adventure that is completely different from the life they are living. This personality loves to party, being in the center of commotion, boundless energy, willing to go from one place to another in a fast place. The more the merrier.

After (holiday) effect:

The Getaway ones will return to their normal life exhausted, but will bring with them  a lot of stories, photos, and other mementoes that will last mostly a week, accompanied with a lot of laughter, giggling, and another planning for next year vacation.

Meet the Hideaway

The Hideaway prefer a place where they could relax and re charge their energy without the hustling and bustling that the Getaway is fond of. This one like being secluded, need more privacy, and flows with leisurely pace. Most of the time, it’s oblivious to budget.

After (holiday) effect:
You will notice the Hideaway ones because somehow seem healthier than before, more smiles, but not so much story. Plus a lot of us usually blanch when they showed us how much they spend to look that good. Vacation well spent.

If you are still confuse which personalities you belongs to, why not vacationing in a getaway place/scenery, and stay in a hideaway resort/hotel. That way you get the best of both personalities, and you can actually manage your budget. That’s where my friends finally decided to go for the New Year holiday. New Year eve getaway in Bali, and have a fantastic hideaway in Bali best kept secret beach resort. The result: They will return again soon.

See you soon ladies.

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